Welcome to Banshee Alaskan Malamutes
Please View Our Recent News Releases at the Bottom of This Page
WELCOME: I am Carlene Way, owner of Banshee Alaskan Malamutes, located in Philadelphia, PA. I am the breeder and exhibitor of some of the most extraordinarily beautiful and loving Alaskan Malamutes in the North Eastern US Region. My kennels and breeding program focus on good health, longevity, and the total life-long well-being of the dogs I produce, and I strive to produce happy and affectionate companions as well as champion AKC show and competitive dogs. Banshee Alaskan Malamutes has been producing the finest Alaskan Malamutes since 1992, and have produced well over 60% AKC Champion dogs from my past litters. I am a member in good standing with the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Alaskan Malamute Club Of America (AMCA), and former Vice President of the Alaskan Malamute Association of Eastern Pennsylvania (AMAEP). Additionally, I am listed with the Alaskan Malamute Club of America as a registered, ethical breeder: Please click the red link below and search the name "CARLENE". AMCA Breeder Referral and Information WebpageI show my own dogs, as well as the dogs of my puppy buyers in AKC Conformation and other competitions within the AKC and IABCA show rings. I also pursue Malamute-geared activities such as Obedience, Weight-Pull competition, Canine Good Citizen, and Therapy Dog certifications. These are very versatile and gentle animals!It is my intent as a breeder, trainer, and owner of these wonderful animals to; work with, love, exhibit, enjoy, and produce beautiful, even-tempered, healthy, and "correct" Alaskan Malamutes which remain true to the AKC Breed Standard. I strive to produce examples which are sound of mind and body, who are capable of work, play, competition, and companionship! It's a lofty goal, but with my group of great mentors and knowledgeable friends to help and advise, along with my years of experience working with and studying these wonderful animals, I will always strive to achieve this end! Please click the CONTACT US link if you have any questions or requests. |
The "Awesome Pawsome Litter" is the foundation litter for "Banshee Malamutes"
Pictured here (L to R) are Ya-YA, Remy, Callie, Willow, and lying in front, Dinah
TY takes Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at Louisville, KY Specialty
TY takes AMCA Southern Area Specialty March 16, Best Veteran in Sweepstakes under Breeder Judge Terry Toussant.
Banshee's Tripple Crown takes GLAMC Winners Dog
TY earns his DCAT today
TYGot his DCAT title today at the Bridgewater, NJ Fast Cat trials!I’m so proud of my handsome boy.He is awesome.
MEDA earns her DCAT today
MEDAFinished her DCAT title today!At the Fast Cat trials in Bridgewater, NJ. She is ranked number 2 in the country in malamutes out of 34.So proud of my girl.
MEDA #2 AKC Malamute FastCAT dog
MEDAGGM Banshee!s Midnight Sioux BCAT
2# ALASKAN MALAMUTE in the country!!
So proud of my girl.Love this sport.